Fig n Olives Android App Solutions Build your Android Grocery Store​

Grocery App store template is created as a Powerful solution for any grocery store or organic food shop Android App template.

Are you looking for a Fig n Olive app solution or script for your business?

You can go live within 72 hours using our State of the art, Advanced, Customizable & User-Friendly Fig n Olive App solution.

Get in touch now!

Next X - Innovating Traditional Businesses with Technology

demo of the complete application

Ready to give it a try?
Download the Grocery App from Playstore Now!

Next X - Innovating Traditional Businesses with Technology

Detailed Features of Figs n Olives

Grocery App store template is created as a Powerful solution for any grocery store or organic food shop Android App template. It is a template for any grocery business who wants to create grocery application with a clean design. The template contains a fully working mobile app with the backend admin panel. This UI Template can reduce your development time and you can start bringing your customers in rather than thinking about building anything.

Grocery App Features

Native Android Code

Classified Products

Easy add to cart with one click item

Manage Delivery Address Streetwise

Choose a Delivery time slot

User Menu

  • Manage Orders
  • Manage Profile
  • Manage Address

FCM Notification Configure.

Easy Backend Admin Panel (With Parse DB)

  • Manage Daily Orders
  • Manage Products
  • Categories
  • Purchase
  • Stock
  • Sales Order
  • Manage Society and Area Code
  • Manage Delivery Time Schedule

Multi-Language support

In order to purchase app please place your order on our website.

Please get in touch with us today for pricing & further details.