September 2023

App Security

Mobile App Security: 3 Game-Changing Insights from 6 Years in the Field

Table of Contents Ready to dive in? Let’s get started. Mobile vs. Web Security: Breathe Easier First off, a sigh of relief is in order. Compared to websites, mobile apps are harder nuts to crack. Why? Because the security architecture and layers of complexity deter most attackers from even trying. Consider this your first win […]

Mobile App Security: 3 Game-Changing Insights from 6 Years in the Field Read More »

Photo by olia danilevich:

Half a Decade, Fifty Apps: Lessons for the Modern Developer

Table of Contents Chapter 1: The Catalyst – Answering the Call for Mobile Apps The Changing Landscape It all started in 2018. With mobile usage skyrocketing, the demand for mobile applications was following suit. Coming from a background of building web applications, we recognized an opportunity to diversify and meet this demand. We were already

Half a Decade, Fifty Apps: Lessons for the Modern Developer Read More »

Photo by ThisIsEngineering:

5 Common Mistakes in Mobile App Development: A Guide for Businesses

Table of Contents Introduction   Building a mobile application is more than just coding; it’s a complex process that requires thorough planning and expert execution. But whether you’re working on a native app, a Flutter application, or a Progressive Web App (PWA), certain mistakes can set you back. This guide aims to help you navigate these challenges

5 Common Mistakes in Mobile App Development: A Guide for Businesses Read More »